Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Name: Novi  Yanti
Class: 5i

Improving Speaking English in Daily Activity

            Nowadays, speaking English is important skill to communicate that must be learned by people because English is the international language. Moreover, most people still cannot speak English very well and fluently because they do not practice speaking in daily activity.
            Learners still get difficulty to speak English, and the writer provides several tips to improve speaking English, such as practicing conversation in daily activity, reading a lot of English material, and listening English songs.
            Practicing conversation in daily activity can help learners to improve speaking English. It can make habitual in daily activity whenever to speak English. There are two important things that can improve speaking English. First, self confidence, it can help to improve speaking English to express the ideas when learners are speaking with the others. Speaking a new language can be an intimidating experience, as felling nervous about how to pronounce the words. However, learners need to be proactive in their speaking, so learner’s confidence grows from them selves, and try to speak English with confidence. It conveys the idea that learners are very much familiar with the topic and can converse easily on it. Small fumbling in words is usually ignored in this case by the listener. Furthermore, making a small group and making short conversation to improve the target language. A small group can help learners improve speaking English because it consists many partners that have different ideas, and it can interact with each other, so that it will happen the communication process. Making short conversation is very important, for example, asking permission, asking of time, or ordering something that is usually used in daily communication. Therefore, learners will be easier to improve their speaking English.
            In addition, reading of English materials to increase vocabularies in speaking English, for example, magazines, novels, comics, newspaper anything those consist about English. There are much information from reading that increase many vocabularies for speaking to facilitate the use of vocabulary in speaking. Vocabulary is one of the most important things because vocabulary can help and facilitate learners to speak English. Moreover, learners can learn grammar structure that exists in the reading. Grammar is very important to learn written communication, and it should be correctly used while speaking because it learns how to make a good sentence systematically. Also, in technology there are a lot of content that supports the improving speaking skills. There are many literatures that exist in web site in English for example, articles and news online that can give information for learners. Also, lyric of song can help learners improve speaking English because learners can learn to translate meaning of the song and memorize lyric. Consequently, in memorizing lyric of the song, learners can speak English.
            Moreover, listening to songs English learners are expected to get a new vocabulary in the process of developing language and speaking skills are learnedBottom of Form. Song can give enjoyable and happy for the listener. From the song, learners can pronounce the words accurately, so learners can speak English fluently. Trying to get the lyrics of songs can help to understand the meaning of the song, and try to speak. After listening English song, learners must memorize all of the lyrics and write down the words and meaning in order to understand what the meaning of the song is. Thus, listening song can help to improve speaking English because the songs give the pronunciations that help to facilitate learners to speak English.
            Thus, learners can improve their English speaking skills by practicing in the daily activity, in order to accustom to speak. By listening to English songs, it helps to improve speaking because it adds new vocabulary that can be used in conversation and is also able the pronunciation. By practicing speaking English in daily activity learner can accustom to their in order to miss nervous when is speaking with the others. The last, reading also make to improve speaking English because there are many vocabularies that can be used in speaking English in daily activity.

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

                                Being border no worries
Actually becoming  a border  has a plus point, you get to learn to be a responsible and independent  person,  and there are many tips you can have enjoy living the life of a border if you know how to do it. First of all, choose a boarding house near your  college. That way, you don’t have to spend time struggling in traffic jams as you can walk to campus. It saves money and is healthier. Secondly, choose a boarding house that provides a living room for visitors. The bedroom is a private place, so you don’t want any people  checking out  the mess in it. Also, please choose a boarding house with the landlord/landlady living nearby. So whenever there is problem with anything, you can come and see him/her for solution. Furthermore, you must be smart to choose a room mate because they  will be part of you during living in boarding house. Moreover, you must keep  cleanness your room as comfortable as possible. If you don’t care about it’s cleanness, certainly you will not feel comfortable to stay longer and study very well. Keep it clean. A comfortable room will help your study better. Besides it can give you creativeness doing anything. The last, Eat and rest well. Being sick away from home is surely something you don’t want to experience.
If  all of them you do it, you will get enjoying to be a border although you are far away from your family. Don’t feel afraid. You can to be a responsible person as you have been accustomed doing anything by your self. Hopefully these are tips will give you inspiration to choose boarding house.

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

                                                                           A Unique Character
                Firstly  I joined at Hamka university, I met a girl who has a unique character. Her name is Dwi Arih Lestari. She is my classmate. She is a girl, but she is manly. She behaves like a boy when she speaks and clothes. She doesn’t care  about her style and speaks louder like a boy. Although she is manly, she is very kind. She can be trusted to keep a secret  when I have some problems. She is always near to me to listen my problems and helps to solve it. I have been making friendship for 2 years. I am really glad to meet her. If someone doesn’t recognize her before, they will think she is unfriendly because she has a rude face, but she is very kind. I hope our friendship became even tighter.